Ja nuls om pres non dira sa razon (Richard Coeur de Lion)
Ja Nus Hons Pris / Richard the Lion Heart, 12th Century
In the tradition of the song of the troubadour warrior-poet, Ja Nus Hons Pris records the Austrian captivity of its author, England's crusading King Richard I, a.k.a.: The Lion-Heart, Duke of Aquitaine. The poem dates from 1194 C.E., composed in ancient French. King Richard didn't speak English.
My friend and fellow musician, Malcolm Smith, the late New World Renaissance Band fiddler, recommended for many a year, that I add it to my reperetoire. I am indebted for his advice.
Ja nus hons pris ne dira sa raison adroitement, se dolantement non; mes par confort puet il fere chancon. moult ai amis, mes povre sont li don; honte en avront, se por ma reancon sui ces deus yvers pris.
Ce sevent bien mi honme et mi baron, Englois, Normant, Poitevin et Gascon, que je n'avoie si povre compaignon, cui je laissasse por avoir en prixon. Je nei di pas por nule retracon, mes encor sui ge pris.
English translation:
No prisoner ever tells his story objectively; rather, it is cloaked in sorrow. To comfort himself, however, he may write a song: I have many friends, but their gifts are few. Dishonor will be theirs if I remain in prison these two winters; my ransom unpaid.
My men and my barons, from England, Normandy, Poitou, and Gascony, know that I would never forsake even the least of my friends. I do no say this as a reproach. Still... I remain a prisoner.