We, the people. No, we the peons Chase the breeze of freedom like fleeting sheep Persuaded through propaganda into thinking this way of life is ideal. Concerned with revenue; Our necessities have become commodities to conglomerates, ravishing every living creature in there way. Social structures and class systems designed to divide us As Money and media further morph the mirage of the American dream, killing creative lust. Dumbing you down.
I will not shed a tear for money, ashamed it already takes so much of our time and frustration.. Dollar bills Stained by the blood of hard workers and the greed driven men who hired them. Life ending paper cuts castrate the man demeaning him to live as a parasite, relying on money to fuel the drive to live. Thrown off the fiscal cliff into the Wall Street snake pit. Governed by the monetary system of slavery, the dollar is only is as rich as the belief of the people, a value emulated in debt till death Monsters are manmade. Human bones build their bridges to the future