Yachad - lev el lev niftach venir'eh, t'aor shebashamayim Yachad - lev el lev niftach betikva - la'ahava.
Ech shehalev niftach chovek yad la'olam Uvikria gdola nashir la'ahava.
Imru hakol efshar, ze lo meuchar, Hashachar kvar ala, ze zman le'ahava.
Yachad - lev el lev niftach venir'e, t'aor shebashamayim Yachad - lev el lev niftach betikva - la'ahava.
Verak im na'amin, uvli shum da'awin, Baderech ha'ola, ze shir la'ahava. __________________________________________ Together, heart to heart we'll open, and we'll see the light in the sky. Together, heart to heart we'll open, with hope for love.
The heart opens up, embraces hand to the world, And with a big shout we'll sing to love.
Say: every thing is possible, it is not too late, Dawn has risen already it is time for love.
Together, heart to heart we'll open, and we'll see the light in the sky. Together, heart to heart we'll open, with hope for love.
If we only believe, no mucking around, On the road coming up, it is a song for love.