You know Crash, there aren't many people on this world who like you. Most of us here on these islands DESPISE you! And yet you won't go away! And there is only one word for you, Bandicoot - INSIGNIFICANT! I know that your powers of retention, are as wet as the warthogs you ride. But thick, as you are, pay attention! My words are a matter of pride! It's clear from your vacant expressions, the lights are not all on upstairs. But we're talking World Domination, even you can't be caught unawares! So prepare for the ruling of Cortex. Be prepared for sensational news! A shining new era is tip-toeing nearer. Should I make it clearer? I know it sounds old, but your children will be told, Of the greatness of me. And destruction making them scared - Be prepared! I mean just look at you; You're worthless! Pointless! All you've ever done is bad... You ruin, you destroy, you break! Those are your only qualities, and those are the things you have done. You have ruined my life, Crash Bandicoot, and I will ruin yours! Minions! Minions! I have a message for you, a very important message... We will soon rule this land...Hahahahaha! ~ It's great that we'll soon be connected, with a leader who's all-time adored! Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board. The future is littered with prizes, and though I'm the main addressee, the point that I must emphasize is: You won't get a sniff without me! So prepare for the coup of the century! (Oooh) Be prepared for the murkiest scam! (Ooh, la la la!) Meticulous planning, Tenacity spanning, Decades of denial, is simply why I'll: Be King, undesputed! Respected, saluted! And seen for the wonder I am! Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! BE PREPARED! ~ Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared! BE PREPARED! (Mwuhahahahahahaaaa)