Lyrics by draggles/sjbarag/another_brick/montrealcowboyx/originalorphan
Reddit Gold's got its perks, gaming is a circlejerk Zach Anner, Old Spice, Narwhal bacons at midnight
(/r/)Politics is everywhere, Sure_Ill_Draw_That's back again, violentacrez, pedobear, pun thread, new flair.
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Game of Thrones, Celebs are dead, not replying in a thread Companion cube, don't attack it, trees bracket number bracket
These things are all on Reddit No number for Jakucha, and we all 'me gusta' These things are all on Reddit No we didn't host it but we will repost it.
kill a troll, hypnotoad, click the link and down we scroll, first the storm, then the calm, once Gaddafi buys the farm
awesome beards, Reddit gifts, /r/jailbait no longer fits, Liked that ep of Firefly, spending too much time online
Bachmann's face should be shot, can we legalize pot? D-A-E feel like this, better drink my own piss
Sony's stupid, XBOX's lame, PC gaming all the way, EA BLOWS, Steam ROCKS, got RES for my firefox!
these things are all on Reddit, mostly pics of felines, karma whoring beelines These things are all on Reddit No we didn't host it but we will repost it.
Redditor’s Wife. Scumbag Steve. What do atheists believe? Stayed home to play Portal. Keanu is immortal.
I’m with Coco, Feed the trolls. Lulzsec did it for the lols. R slash gone wild, pictures of a dead child.
Pasta in a Pringles can, kleinbl00’s quick with a ban. Secret santa gift exchange, look at what my girlfriend made.
It’s shit like this, space dicks, gotta get my reddit fix. It’s my cake day, hip hip hooray - when do we boycott EA?
These things are all on Reddit. It is all that we wrote just for the upvote. These things are all on Reddit No we didn't host it but we will repost it.
Nyan cat, good guy Greg, some guy with robot legs, herp, derp, I'm at work, look of disapproval.
Ice shower, it was cold, I_RAPE_CATS got Reddit mold, hover hand, hear my band, this image is old.
Chili in the early morn', this pet was recently born, Write the fucking AMA! WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO SAY?!
These things are all on reddit Swapping all the drama For your precious karma These things are all on reddit No we didn't host it but we'll still repost it
Look who I ran into, which one's famous, which one's you? Hivemind disagrees, downvotes for them please
Gabe Newell, Adventure Time, Explain like I'm five MLP, Louis CK, Polite all caps guy
Big Lebowski, Pokemon, Minecraft, Starcraft, Notch, Tron Arrested Development, corruption in government
Surf the net, Facebook sucks, let's all go to Google Plus Reddit's down, what the fuck? Hit F5 'till it's back up!
These things are all on reddit Now that Digg's redundant Reddit is triumphant These things are all on reddit No we didn't host it but we'll still repost, repost, repost