Selected Hymns from the Services and Triodia (Choir of the Brethren of Valaam Monastery)
1. Behold the Bridegroom comes at midnight - Midnight office 2:06 2. Have mercy on us, O Lord - Midnight office and Compline 2:09 3. All of creation rejoices in Thee - Hymn to the Theotokos, Liturgy of St. Basil 1:45 4. Today the Virgin - Christmas Kontakion 1:32 5. Open to me the doors - Sunday matins post-gospel hymn (Lenten) 4:07 6. Let my prayer arise - Great Prokeimenon, Presactified Liturgy 5:55 7. Remain with us, O Lord of Hosts - Great Compline (Lenten) 6:52 8. O Thou who coverest Thyself with Light - Apostikha, Holy Friday 6:03 9. The angel cried - Paschal Matins, 9th Ode 1:38 10.Christ is Risen - Paschal Troparion (Greek-Byzantine Chant) 2:07