Our hope and our mother, our source of all life. It`s for her that we stand up to defy the system that is killing her, to the system that is killing us all. From the poisoned veins of all rivers. To the clear cut forest on her shoulders. To the blackened sky`s of industry. It`s killing her and it`s killing me. To the toxic waste of land fills to the dead seas from oil spills. to the ravaged soils of chemical Ag. We`ve taken everything and given nothing back.
Our choices and our actions are what determine our fate. Choose your level of involvement to participate in the destruction of her and this murder. Or dedicate yourself to actions to save our mother earth.
Save our mother earth Stop killing her creation. Save our mother Earth. Stop killing children.
No other industry comes closer to total planetary inhalation than animal agriculture. The amount of resources that you squander with each animal consuming bite is enough to keep 16 starving people alive. In a world where millions die for the lack of clean water 625 gallons is required for your quarter pound burger. More air pollution is caused by cattle alone than the entire combined enissions of the world`s vehicles.