Any ground will do to bury One the earth does not anticipate Drinking in the spirit wide shouldered Wide mouth perfect mason The no good thing in me The seller of the Sun The cast down mosaic The lawless one The shakers a shamble
A standing fire ever doth intercede Rip the roof off and lower me down Forever in my time of need
Son of the foaming sea Her kiss just three days away From me Nevertheless Are we not His witness Nevertheless
This thing I have known He likes it cedar wood made Sealed with pitch The many rooms inside Come on soothsayer Hey one bull remains He sees red six He has hated Yeah even seven Lying in wait In the shadow dim lit Ascended on high Taking captivity captive my audience Do you hear what I hear Way up in the sky little lamb I stand corrected The refractory may rest In the shadow dim lit We remember one bull remains Way up in the sky lamb Yea even seven
Any ground will do to bury it The no good thing in me The seller of the Sun The cast down mosaic The lawless one Forever my time of need come