The altitude is higher; WE HAVE SOMETHING TO SET On fire. YOUR FACE, In flames. It used to be hard to watch but now we enjoy the sight. We're not laughing with you anymore.
If you can't bare my opinion, Don't complain in the first place! Would you prefer it tape recorded!? Or said it straight to your face? This is a message; write it down. Pack your bags and get the fuck out of town!
This is a message, so write it down. This is a message, so write it down.
Loco mote laurels; Your yammer stealed phrases are getting harder to fracture. Lets be obedient, we're not infants anymore. Our suckers have developed girth.
It's morning, the toothpaste frowns at your teeth. The buckle is laughing at whats underneath!
I don't associate myself with ugly people. Thats why I don't talk to myself...
This means war
Sanitize what you speak with, Before you say a word. Use the cleanest soap. Rinse, lather and repeat darling! We thought you'd know; we thought you knew?
Inadequacy huh? Well I was born in bed with a lady! You have so much to say, but no place to say it!
Are you still talking? You're still talking!? Are you still talking? You're still talking!? Are you still talking!? YOU'RE STILL TALKING?! If you're not naked stop trying to get my attention!