Satnaam : True Name (Of God, that is Waheguru). Sri : A mark of respect for the true name. Waheguru : Wondorous Enlightener (Guru/God). (Satnaam actually describes 'Waheguru' as true) The remaining lines are produced by the singer itself in glory of the Name. (It is not Gurbani/ verses from the Guru Granth Sahib Jee), but I provide you a translation : Ehi naam hai sahara : This name (Waheguru) is my support. Ehi naam hai adhara; This name is the basis of my existence. Muk jande ne jism taa(n) par aatma amar hai : Bodies perish, but the soul is immortal. Jide ang sang Prabh(u) hai, unu phir kisda dar hai : By whose side the Lord, abides, he needs to fear none.