Walking - dreaming - flying over patterns of time searching - lying - burning for a paper of ancient signs of the script from a stranger had a long tercentenial delay the novels he wrote are a treasure a meander down from the dark
into the sun we are falling from the silence into the sun we are waiting for illumination
the deeper you come to the inside words built up a new universe imagine these rhymes are the key to a door each term is a pathway erased in the end without you
walking - flying - searching inside of these lines dreaming - burning - lying for a paper of signs
into the sun we are falling from the silence into the sun we are waiting for illumination
a view to the source of the mission we read is AcCult to the fiction of dreams the runes of a pagan deceit will guide you to mandala cages on the spiral inside
into the sun we are falling from the silence into the sun where we all are leaving