Senkin vähä-älyinen kojootti, käännä se musiikki oikein päin! Kuulostaa aika paskalta! Luulitko että tässä olisi joku infernaalinen viestikin?
Oletko rakastamisen Ari Vatanen, piiloviestien neiti-etsivä? seisotko vielä päälläsi? HALLELUJA!
The Nancy Drew of Hidden Messages /
I have a knife. I slit throats with it.
You retarded coyote, turn the music the right way round! It sounds like shit! Did you think there would be somekind of an infernal message? Are you the Ari Vatanen*** of loving, the Nancy Drew of hidden messages? Would you stand on your head, aswell? HALLELUJAH!
* Note: Parts of the song are in reverse. ** Note: The "I have a knife. I slit throats with it." -part is also in the song Illuusio musiikista ("An Illusion of Music") *** Ari Vatanen is a Finnish rallycar driver and politician.