1. Prurient - First Memory Of Pain #hospitalproductions 2. Roly Porter - Tleilax #subtext 3. Al - B - La Deuda Eterna #staticdiscos 4. Mondkopf - Here Come The Whispers #inparadisum 5. Ben Frost - Theory of Machines #bedroomcommunity 6. Magdalena - Run And Hide Mick Finesse remix #brokenmindrecordings 7. Dscrd - Watch And Punish #dement3drecords 8. Raime - Exist In The Repeat Of Practice #blackesteverblack 9. Ron Morelli - Public Consumption #hospitalproductions 10. Unperson - upnnpu #rawwaxes 11. Shifted - Under A Single Banner #bedofnails 12. Kangding Ray - Transitional Ballistics #rasternoton 13. Damaskin - Unseen Warfare #unknownprecept 14. Corax - Seidr #rodzkonez 15. Dual Action - Body Complete #hospitalproductions 16. Oake - Nihnin Ned Bargund #downwards 17. The Body - Hail To Thee, Everlasting Pain #rvngintl