you were the dream that survived lost in the darkness of eternity you were the hope kept alive embraced by tomorrows that we all could never quite see you had a beauty denied you were the moment but here in this night where your dream carries on never quite there but it’s never quite gone you are the star that is wished upon forever you were the one that believed long past when belief was a memory the child time would never concede faith and tomorrow and all of the things that might be you had a beauty denied a glittering moment but here in this night where your dream carries on never quite there but it’s never quite gone you are the star that is wished upon forever do you believe in night does it hold you close when you’re at your last card pray hard, father, son & holy ghost still the night rolls on brings you to your knees when you look back that far each scar, suddenly just starts to bleed the night it keeps burning while twisting and turning its way to tomorrow its joys and its sorrows our secrets beneath her we drive each stake deeper then offer to barter but each deal is harder the cloaks we keep changing while gliding through weddings of nights to their morning of dreams to their dawning while reaching for moments the world has forbidden the kindness inside them so carefully hidden the pages keep turning but no-one is learning they feed them to pyres to stoke up their fires of ignorance, apathy forbidding charity the flames they grow higher could such be desired and christ and confucius are all their words useless we quote them in fractions but not in our actions aurelius, and hugo auden and gibran the words they have written seem so quickly gone for somewhere there’s dirt that was once reddish mud from soaking up liquid that was a man’s blood but both earth and god they have deemed to forgive so each year in the spring new flowers do live and of all the authors your favorite was wilde with each timeless story all penned with such style of fairytale kingdoms where ogres save children and no gardens have walls so all children might use them and since that’s the ending you valued the most you cling to that card father, son & holy ghost father, son & holy ghost father, son & holy ghost father, son & holy ghost father, son & holy... but here in this night where your dream carries on never quite there but it’s never quite gone you are the star that is wished upon forever