Something went down in Jerusalem We don't know what it was Something went down in Jerusalem Was it Jesus or aliens
Something went down in Jerusalem A long, long time ago Something heavy had to happen in Jerusalem What it was we'll never know
For thousands of years so many millions have been fighting Over Jerusalem. Everybody's Holy Land And for thousands of years so many voices crying My god your god his god their god somebody's god
So many gods in one small town Is a little bitty bit too much of a coincidence I'll lay you odds that what went down Was a stop on a trip of an alien ship With a guy from the sky doing magic tricks Like walking on water, turn it into wine And we thought he was god Believe what ya like but
Something went down in Jerusalem We don't know what it was Something went down in Jerusalem Was it Allah or aliens No photos of what happened in Jerusalem They had no CNN But something went down in Jerusalem Was it Jehovah or aliens
From lightyears away, they might have come here on vacation To Jerusalem They came here to play with no intention Of creating controversy or sensation So many gods in one small town Is a little bitty bit too much of a coincidence
Alien pods were never found Jehovah, Jah, Allah, Ra, Jesus or whatever Even if it was aliens, why not get together? Agree to disagree respectfully about Jehovah, Jah, Allah, Ra, Jesus or space traveller Believe it or not, brah Something went down They had no CNN