Terence McKenna: "Technologies do not always increase peoples options! Sometimes they decrease peoples options. One may not want a car, with that sort of equipment, but one has no choice. The next point is, technology does not always solve important problems. We like to think that technological innovation will almost always lead to an enriched and enhanced life. But very often, technological progress does not progress it’s self to important problems, but rather to be worse. And yet we proceed anyway, in spite of the fact that in solving a trivial problem, we may be creating a greater problem than the problem we solve. For example, we now have in America the issue of weather or not we should spend billions of dollars for something called the super information highway. Well, if we ask our authorities on this, the same question I put to you, in short tale we get some curious answers! What is the problem to which this super information highway will be a solution? One of the answers you’ll get is ”well, we now have available only 60 television channels. With the super information highway we will have to have 500, maybe even a 1000”. Is this a problem that really needs a solution? We have to ask this question and several others, about technological change. Because technological change is almost always what i call a thousand year origin “it giveth, and it taketh away."