When I wake up First thing I do Eggs Is to look around For something to chew "Eggs-actly" Feeding myself is very, very tricky Because you see, I'm ridculously picky Eggs
Strut Excuse me Ozzy, I---
Ozzy This Struthiomimus Won't settle for the dregs I'll borrow I'll beg I'll even kiss you
Strut Kiss me?
Ozzy For my dear beloved dose... Of eggs
Strut (Sung:) Hurry, Ozzy, I'm so hungry I can't wait for another minute. Here's a juicy little leaf With a beautiful stick in it. Can't I have a taste... If I promise just to lick it?
Ozzy (shouted not spoken) Strut!
Strut What!
Ozzy You imbecilic eater Great green globs couldn't Possibly be sweeter Than a pile of eggs
You've got to smell them Feel them Crack them open For a great big nest full I am hoping
Strut I'm starving! I'm weak! There's nothing in my tummy. The mold on that tree (Sung:) is starting to look yummy.
Ozzy The colors and shapes And assorted sizes Gobble them all For appetizers Eggs-tasy
Strut Ozzy, what's the matter With a little vegetation?
Ozzy I've had it up to hear With this aggravation!
Strut Can't I have This piece of a tree?
Ozzy Why can't you be more Like me? You leaf-loving