Good evening They said this day would never come I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth this continent a new nation Conceived in Liberty in and dedicated to the proposition that all man are created equal The world is very different now for man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life Are times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place Years from now you look back and you`ll say that this.. this was a moment this was a place where America remember what it means to hope Our mission is that once the oldest and the most basic of this country to write wrong to do justice to serve man Hope is that thing inside us that insist despite all the evidence to the contrary that is something better ways if we have the courage to reach formed It is the idea wich is founded our nation and has guided our development as a people This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose For the first time in a history of our country the majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years To deny a man his his hopes because it is color or race his religion or his place of birth is not only to do injustice it is to deny America and to dishonor the dead who gave their lives for American freedom From these Honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for witch they gave the last full measure of devotion We must face the trip and then we can change our course The believe that our destiny will not be written for us the by us And so my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country It is time for us to join hands in America let is commit ourselves together to rebirth of the American spirit We are not a collection of red states and blue states we are the United States of America And that government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth