Strofa 1: I am a big man, I am a lucky man, I am a sexy man, woh oh oh oh oh, When you look into my mirror, I see the big man, Come on close, be with me, Cause I'm a sexy man.
Pre-refren: You are big man, you are lucky man, You are moldavian super superman, You are big man, you are a lucky man, You are moldavian sexy sexy man.
Refren: Hai ciobanasule la munte cu oile cornute, Toate fetele ma vor de mor, Dupa ce pasc oile cornute ma duc la fete-n munte,
Sa le strang sa le sarut cu dor.
Strofa 2: We are big guys, we are lucky guys, We are sexy guys, woh oh oh oh oh, When you look into the mirror, We see the big guys, And cause the looking at the spell, the sexy guys.
Pre-refren: You are big man, you are lucky man, You are moldavian super superman, You are big man, you are a lucky man, You are moldavian sexy sexy man.Refren:
Refren: Hai ciobanasule la munte cu oile cornute, Toate fetele ma vor de mor, Dupa ce pasc oile cornute ma duc la fete-n munte,
Sa le strang sa le sarut cu dor.
Strofa 3: I am sweet girl, I am lucky girl, I am moldavian super sexy girl, We are big guys, we are lucky guys, We are sexy, epïc sax guys.