I should have known seemed like warrant, he said Im skirt I will run I will hide with a gun here mmm and a bottle of wine
How many more years Ill keep on like this How many more times Ill bend down my pride Theres no hope here No escape is what he said
How long does it take He managed to say God Im trying Oh lord you know how Im trying I will strive just like a wandering saint with a gun right here to warm up my hand
And hes gone with no dime One peaceful July I wished him good luck and he waved me goodbye hes gone with no dime One peaceful July he stood at the mat and he waved me goodbye
These were his words Girl one day Ill make you feel so proud of me and he cried, no one saw him with a gun here mmm and a bottle of wine
And hes gone with no dime One peaceful July I wished him good luck and he waved me goodbye And hes gone with no dime One peaceful July he stood at the mat and he waved me goodbye.