Sting - Shape Of My Hart. Любимая песня нашего преподавателя английского, директора языковых курсов, менталитет которой был, как она сама про себя говорила - как "Дети... | Текст песни
Shape Of My Hart. Любимая песня нашего преподавателя английского, директора языковых курсов, менталитет которой был, как она сама про себя говорила - как "Дети...
He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He don't play for respect
He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart
He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart
And if I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one
Well, those who speak know nothin' And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear are lost
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape of my heart, That's not the shape, shape of my heart
Sugababes & Sting - Shape Of My Heart...♪ Как важно найти свою вторую половину, как важно ее не потерять. Неизвестно еще, что важнее. Только когда двое любящих рядом, у них одна... (0)
Sting - ...I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart] (0)
Eric Serra - Shape of My Heart (0)
Sting - Shape of my Heart (минус)джаз (0)
Carmen Cuesta Loeb - Shape Of My Heart ( Sting cove ) (0)
чумаков - в один в один (0)
ahmet koc - shape of my heart (0)
Максим Клименко - Shape of my heart (0)
Isa - Shape Of My Heart(Sting cover) (0)
Дон Корлеоне - Shape of my Heart (минус) (0)
Sting - Shape Of My Hart. Любимая песня нашего преподавателя английского, директора языковых курсов, менталитет которой был, как она сама про себя говорила - как "Дети... (0)
Sting - Shape of my heart (читайте текст и поймете, почему она тут) (0)
Sting - Shape of My Heart (Live) [Demolition Man 1993] (0)
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Katia Labeque & Sting - Shape of My Heart (0)
ahmet koc - shape of my heart(Sting cover) (0)
Therr Maitz (Антон Беляев) - Shape Of My Heart (Sting Cover) (0)
ηė - Õtþϋﮚkay (0)
Стинг - Shape Of My Heart (Sting Cover) (0)
Музыка для души - Мелодия для влюбленных (0)
Fnatic - Shape of my Heart (0)
► Amelka ♫ - Sting - Shape Of My Heart (0)
Стинг - Shape Of My Heart (Минус) (0)
Sting - S.H (0)
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Стинг - Шейп о май харт (минус) (0)
Антон Беляев - Shape Of My Heart (Sting Cover)/Голос 2 (0)
Estás en tu casa ™ - Shape of my Heart (0)
20 трек - Без названия (0)
Для сани - минус (0)
9.-1Стинг - Стинг (минус) (0)
... - напоминает о тебе(минус) (0)
✿ - Антон Беляев.Shape Of My Heart (Sting Cover) (0)