KONTAKION 1 Incorruptible King of all ages, holding in your hand every path of human life through the power of Your saving Providence. We thank you for all the good things You do, those we know and those we don't know, for earthly life and for the heavenly joy of Your Kingdom to come. Hold us in Your mercy now and ever we who sing: Glory to You, O God, unto ages of ages.
IKOS 1 Into the world I was born as a weak, helpless child, but Your Angel spread wings of light over me, guarding my crib. Ever since then Your love lights all my paths, wonderfully guiding me towards the light of eternity. Gloriously, the generous gifts of Your Providence have been manifest from the very first day. I am thankful to You and with all who have come to know You, call out: Glory to You, Who called me to life, Glory to You, Who have shown me the beauty of the universe, Glory to You, Who have opened before me the sky and the earth as an eternal book of wisdom, Glory to the eternity of You, in the midst of the world of time, Glory to You, for Your hidden and evident goodness, Glory to You, for every sigh of my sadness, Glory to You, for every step of my life, for every moment of joy, Glory to You, O God, unto ages of ages.