I know it isn't the light out It couldn't be in this dark town I'm almost sure it's not hailing from the night
It couldn't be our reflection, Who do I owe this perfection? Cela n'est rien en cette merveilleuse nuit
What is this coming to? Ce'st toi,I know it's you There's a whisper on the eve
Now there's a change I see Love has no room for me There was a chance to be. but it's far gone now Now I can clearly see There is no love for me Memories and history, but it's far gone now
It's not the band or the dancing It's not the song they were playing Though it called to our souls from the floor
The ticiking clock and the hour swells I couldn't hear over church bells But your face. you told me so much more
How can we live like this? In love but so hopeless? Come and gone just like a dream
Now there's a change I see Love has no room for me There was a chance to be. but it's far gone now Now I can clearly see There is no love for me Memories and history, but it's far gone now