with every passing year, one thought engrained in my mind. never changing, never losing, my edge on the world outside. you grow and you change and friends fade away, but the ones who remain through every passing fad meant what they said so many years ago when we realized what we needed to feel alive. it's not what you said, but what you truly meant, and what you meant means fucking nothing when you chose to turn your back on what meant. to mold and change, to form a better day, a solid pact means so much when growing up with nothing. with every passing year, one thought engrained in my mind. never changing, never losing, my edge on the world outside. you grow and change and friends fade away but the ones that remain through every passing fad, meant what they said so many years ago when we realized what we needed to feel alive. but one day you’ll come to find the knife stuck in your spine was put there by yourself, a false sense of betrayal. these may not have been words to live by for anyone else, and you're lucky at such a young age you discovered yourself. these struggles define us, my heart aches for lost friends, for lost time. stomp through life over burned bridges, in the end truly i've lost. but the one thing that stuck with me through all this time; a positive outlet engrained in the back of my mind. straight edge. i hope you've found you way through this hell called life. maybe, one day, we’ll get back all we said. until then an open letter to an old friend.