\"Come on!\" If you open the season's door, In the dazzling city, excited voices Are pouring down. It's strange; even though the wind is chilly, I'm not cold Because I wanna see your smile A bit more
In the show window's sea of light Everyone's gathered here, but I'm breathlessly running again Today, the only thing missing is you!
Wing of Snow Wing of Snow, if you're clad in shining Wing of Snow, take off, dreaming I wanna see you so bad that I wanna sing and dance Wing of Snow, come true, shining Wing of Snow, my dreaming I want to keep these feelings a secret for a little bit longer But someday for sure, wouldn't they fly into your heart? Wing of Snow
\"You idiot!\" I said, facing my back to everyone playing cheerfully It's so irritating, I cover my eyes And breathe out a sigh \"Look!\" I took a peek and pointed at the night sky Your face is so gentle It made me feel cold
Being invited by a candle's light I got lost So I call for- Who's that? It's you! I'm dreaming!
Wing of Star, awakened angel Wing of Star, starting story The bell chimes is a sign of me wanting to keep running Wing of Star, I found an angel Wing of Star, to your story I can't completely put away these words into my heart But wouldn't they shine so much that they forget to twinkle? Wing of Star
Which girl you're falling in love with!? I make a fuss, but I Shout out with all my heart There's! There's! There's no one else like you!
Wing of Snow Wing of Snow, if you're clad in shining Wing of Snow, take off, dreaming I wanna see you so bad that I wanna sing and dance Wing of Snow, come true, shining Wing of Snow, my dreaming I want to keep these feelings a secret for a little bit longer But someday for sure, wouldn't they fly into your heart?