Fuck my life, Fuck my worth, I can't be better than I was born, I lost all chances for changing, Soiled companies of so called friends, Who dragged me to bottom of life, I couldn't resist, Cause was weak and foolish, Now I'm damned,
Wishes and opportunities what I can realize, Now are dead in whirlpool of misery, If your God alive, He doesn't know about my existence, If your devil exists, I'm his beloved son
And every step I made in my life Seems like steps on the glass, I can't believe, I survived so long, Every night I see the same nightmare, But now I see clear, It was a prophecy
Every night I see the same nightmare, But now I see clear, It was a goddamn prophecy
Just fucking joke, Fucking trick of life Fuck
Your illusions not my fault, I'm just like you, The same but is so much worse, I'm suffer, but I can't end this my own, Cause I'm too weak to kill myself like that, So I hope you will do this for me Can anyone help me? Go outside to the street, Because I am lost, I am already lost! For this world and people, Who live outside of my house, But darkness consume my eyes, You must let my arms
Can anyone help me, To talk with people outside my house? Darkness has consumed my eyes