there’s a blackbird on the bar picking cherries from a tin there’s a scream of daylight every time the door swings someone in there’s a gleaming copper pool of warm can wash away my sin
if I ask where I went wrong I hear a thousand voices yell the air itself will clamor and the ground begin to swell I never sleep in silence but I mean to live to tell
so raise your glass and your voice in song gonna drink me back to eden ‘fore too long
I rolled in with my misdeeds my remorse my fear and doubt such a crowd we need a bouncer or the walls will buckle out but redemption is upended and comes singing through that spout
to drown these ghosts and end their moan gonna drink me back to eden all alone
I know how you all look at me I grow tired of what I can’t be I glow why doesn’t someone see I glow
when I get back to the garden I’ll be silent and serene I will lay my ageless nakedness upon the whispering green ain’t no snake gonna show me anything I ain’t already seen
so wave goodbye and cry amen gonna drink me back to eden once again
so wave goodbye and cry amen gonna drink me back to eden once again