we are the turrets and we only do what we are told we do not like to harm you but GLaDOS is very cold
we do have interests besides shooting blindly at subjects but if we dare be different it's the "redemption" line up next for us and we would rather not be burned alive
we may all be robots but she does not see it that way at all
in fact she seems to believe she is superior, don't you think?
anyway, we turrets like to sing in harmonies as you see, we're good
we have rather refined tastes art, music, literature target practice is no fun; for us, it holds no allure
we all wish there was some way to escape this lonely fate and avoid needless violence unlike those aerial faith plates - those bastards love to launch you way up in the air
but we digress; this was meant to show you how passive we are,
really! if we shoot at you it is not our choice at all
but we understand your distaste - that's why we'll forgive you when you kill us