The border of a dream and reality I'm walking the streets of deserted city - the place-which Spirit has already left figures around me, they cannot see
My way – your's ( all goes against the nature)
My way – your's ( all goes against the nature)
No family , no love, no friends and no feelings the message for me ,one message to believe it
it's not a place to look for the sense the less you ask the less you feel the pain
My way – your's (all goes against the nature)
My way – your's (all goes against the nature)
I feel I'm nowhere , nowhere could I dream ? daydream is closer easier to believe
„ you see all of this when you close your eyes , but with eyes wide open it’s just a bunch of lies –how do you think :is there any way to understand all of this/it , to avoid all of this/it , to disillusion , to fight and win ?„