You smell like my mom. WHO ATE THE LAST CRESCENT ? Has anyone found my bucket? Meh guh! Quick, Margaret, run the bubble bath! The 1980's.......weren't. that. bad Bobbing for onions suffering from diabetes
I wish i didn't run out of shampoo I'm a fork in world of soup My nose is really itchy. That is my contribution to mad libs 3 Where did my pants go? #swagyyolo
Damn, that's beautiful!
Bagels I really really really really really need to know Vacuums make me anxious Sometimes I sneeze and I lose the puppets Lemonade was a popular drink, and still is Nananananipppz!!!! I trust the fridge Girl, if you were a fish, you'd be an attractive fish.
If duct tape can't solve it, bacon can. Snuggies are more important than social interaction. Bananas in my hot tuuuuub. Because bananas \"I took off my pants, But i don't remember why.\" My favourite band only writes songs about eggs now :( I can't eat oatmeal anymore ....Like a Velociraptor!
I cry in the absence of butter Mooooooooo? I'm a goose, where's my juice? Lyrics: The plural of Goose is Geese, why isn't the plural of Moose Meese? ITS SOOO FREAKING COOOOOOOLD!! Trolololololol...
Siggy bloop blop infinite pants
I wish i didn't run out of shampoo I'm a fork in world of soup My nose is really itchy. That is my contribution to mad libs 3 Where did my pants go? #swagyyolo #swagyyolo #swagyyolo