Never ending story you were talking day by day I thought you were just fooling me But that was all about
Everlasting story you were wondering all day long I thought you were just hiding from reality of human
NANCHITTE today I'm now sick of saying \"Maybe yes,maybe not\" Because this world's about it's word,saying \"Yah yah yah\" While my thoughts crying ”no” shouting ”oh oh oh”
なんちって 嘘です 俺もなんだかんだっていつもビビッてんです でもね 俺にはまだなんかあんだ KAMEHAMEHA打ちて とか言っちゃって 探す今日 俺だけの俺 お前だけのお前 探す明日 Say yeah(yeah yeah) say woo(woo woo) Say yeah(yeah yeah) say bibidebabidebooboo いいね あるに決まってる DAY… AFTER TOMORROW 1985 we were meant to be We were meant to live with no reason 1991 I was in U.S I was meant to live with no reason