I've been followed, so it seems but backwards-looking isn't worth the look of things so nearly steady on your shoulder, shaking out an awful pair of wings with a skyward reach They'll never fly too far while they're attached to me
Too long I've sat a wretch A rope that doesn't stretch its length for all the knots I sink into its threads And now you pick apart how I passed my time so often in the dark that it took my lines—
When I simply found a piece you lost, you lost I let it swim across, across and draw me Different shores than when you saw me an age before Different shores than when you saw me an age before I worried 'bout the wedge breaking one life into two 'til each had had enough and neither twin would seek its pair or greet the other in a crowd Long-forgotten kin Estranged, their faces changed Eyes protected by the brow that guards against the dirt A picket fence, a crown that fits a little wide and sits a little low (as if you took to growing down when you forgot which way to go)
I see you less, or rather less is what I see Where's the rest? Where's the rest? Is it something that I’ve kept since I was seventeen and hardly careful with my things or careful where I stepped?
But I think I found a piece you lost, you lost I let it swim across, across and draw me Different shores than when you saw me an age before Different shores than when you saw me an age before And if time aligned us side by side he wouldn't know what's yours from what is mine