cara bel, cara mia bella! Mia bambina, oh ciel (Chell)! Che ella stima![note 1] Che ella stima! Oh cara mia, addio!
La mia bambina cara... perché non passi lontana? Sì, lontana da Scïenza, cara, cara mia bambina... Ah, mia bella! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia cara! Ah, mia bambina! Oh cara, cara mia...
My beautiful dear, my darling beauty! My baby, oh Chell![note 2] That she holds her in such esteem! That she holds her in such esteem! Oh my beloved, fare thee well!
My dear child... Why don't you walk away? Yes, away from Science! My dear, dear baby... Ah, my beauty! Ah, my dear! Ah, my dear! Ah, my little girl! Oh my dearest one!
↑ "Che ella stima" sounds roughly the same as the Spanish phrase "qué lástima" which means "what a shame", however taking into consideration that the song is in Italian, this is probably just a coincidence. ↑ Note that "ciel" ("sky" or "heaven" in lyrical italian) is a pun on Chell's name, as it sounds roughly the same.
Portal 2 Turret Opera I just finished Portal 2 today - wonderful game - and I loved the Turret opera at the end almost ...
Portal 2 - Turret Opera Translated to English [HD ... Used the best of my ability to hear/sound out the Italian lyrics (and even surfed the web) so I ...
Portal 2 Soundtrack Cara Mia (Turret Opera) One ... Full soundtrack, no breaks. I edited it in like 5 minutes in Audacity. Song belongs to Valve ...
Portal 2 -Turret opera (cara mia) [English lyrics ... UPDATE: The Portal OST is now complete! Click the Link below to view the playlist!
Cara Mia Addio - Portal 2 Turret Opera (Valve's ... Finally, Valve have released an official, extended MP3 downloadable version of the 'Turret ...