We wanted to run we wanted to fall together back then our world seemed so clear. We grew so bright Shimmering lights surround us We take flight into the sky
How many worlds would you cross to use the light that's right in front of you? there is no light on the other side i say look straight ahead and you will see, You will see, You will see. How many worlds would you cross to use the light that's right in front of you? there is no light on the other side i say look straight ahead and you will see,
Take my hand I'll lead you on into the stars we'll ride away from all the wars close the doors and disappear again. And I don't know how many times I've said that this is not the end and we will make it out of here alive Oh alive Alive, oh alive, Alive.
How many worlds would you cross to use the light that's right in front of you? there is no light on the other side i say look straight ahead and you will see, You will see, You will see. How many worlds would you cross to use the light that's right in front of you? there is no light on the other side i say look straight ahead and you will see, You will see., How many worlds would you cross to use the light that's right in front of you? there is no light on the other side i say look straight ahead and you will see, You will see.