1. NGLY - Speachless Tape 2. Gesloten Cirkel - Feat. Liette 3. Cubic 22 - Night In Motion (Battleplan Remix) 4. BLAIN- 5xT 5. Cosby - Sortida 6. Cygnus X - Kinderlied Part 1 7. Eomac - I Am Starting To Believe 8. Oobe - Softcore 9. Jackson Lee - Sumba Togola 10.SNTS - End I (Original Mix) 11.Ewan Limb — Safe, Sane, Consensual 12.Death In Vegas — Your Loft My Acid 13.Kalos - Appearance of Freedom (Yves De Mey Remix) 14.Donor - Us For Them 15.Emmerichk - Late Nineties 16.Lag - Kontrola 17.Donor - Calling 18.Alien Rain — Alienated 2b 19.David Att - Untitled 8 (Iori Remix) 20.Brodinski - Bad Runner 21.Head Front Panel - Untitled (1) 22.Basic House - P.G. Bruce 23.Blacknecks - Powerhole Gloryhole