Do you feel blue Are you so feeling Is their blue inside of you. Go and Play. I know of a way to erase all your blues just follow me. Let me give you this wax that you can apply so easily. It just takes some time to understand but no worry. Once you’ve applied it on it will never rub off just flow with me. Knock Knock on my door. Its open, come on in. Here it is, go give it a try. If you need some more come on by. Capoeira. Capoeira. Come and play. Ching Ching ching la vai viola viola meu bem viola. Their will be times when you must reapply no worry you, after its on once again you will see you’ve lost the blues. Knock Knock. Who is it… Its open come on in. Here it is, go give it a try. If you need some more, come on by. La La way la la. Capoeira. Ching Ching ching la vai viola. Capoeira. La La way… Zoom zoom zoom. Capoeira Mata Um. Knock Knock you’ve been here many times. Now its time to go and spread what you got. Sim Sim Sim. Nao Nao Nao Sai Sai Catarina, Leve Morena Me Leve Chuwe Chuwe Chuwe Chuwa Eu Vim Faze Chuwe Chuwa Santa Maria Mai de Deus Chege na egreja me confesse . Capoeira Mestre Kinha...