The harmony, born by Chaos Within the crater of nuclear volcano. Total, all-embracing destruction Is born by the shining flower of Chaos. Its radiance irritates the eyes... Its pollen coats the world As the lethal shroud... This Nuclear Sun will enlight The lifeless landscapes through the ages. Yellow-cherry glowing will give birth To a rich harvest for the Grim Reaper... Eternal nuclear bombs will incinerate the life And turn the stones to vapor... As an Admirable, Ravishing Cloud of Death Once upon a time it will rise over the world, Destroying all the living instantly... The mortal wind shall spread Vivicidial radioactive ashes and dust Across dying, trembling Earth... The earthly bowels will shudder once... The oceans will pour into The boiling lava of thousands underground volcanoes And the planet will burst with The charge of succinct vapor... And the Death itself shall condescend upon the stony leftovers of Earth Under incandescent scorching light Of unbelievably hot Nuclear Sun...