She lay backwards out on the mattress Long in love and heart of listening Sea lion, sea lions gone in an instant Run and hiding in love and mystic Gold for byron. Silver for leslie
Wizard Byron meets the oldest pastor Love for David and love for Marley See how gardens grow At least be over the hills and beyond the city! Gold for Byron, silver for Leslie
Rain comes raining when clouds reach the painting Striking strait as the grass colour is changing Then were all behind that old door your painting Back to the stack of art your creating! Gold for B yron’s hair auburn for Marley’s
Rollin’ down to the sand comes Marley Smiling wide as a child, as she should be Hears the roars of a lion on the sea shore Speaks the language of all her creations Bold and silent, treads into water
Good lord waits on his patrons calmly Ticking time is a long round river Sea lion, sea lions gone in an instant Run and hiding in love and mystic Gold for Byron, silver for Leslie