Kan yama kan be 2adim zaman Chams beted7ak w 9amar mabeynam W kan fi biyout melawanin Welad w aghani 7elwiin (ween ?) honek bel a7lam (sho ela7lam ?) Ela7lam ya3ni hoon (hoon ?) W be ela7lam kan fi sabey Ye3azeb emmo weljiran kan ykhartech 3ala kel el7itat (sho esmo ?) esmo esmo esmo... (hamada) hamada bravo hehe.. W hamada bei7eb el alwan « a7mar akhdar asfar w azra9 » 3al7ayat beiersam 3asfora 3al ard biersem Biychakhbet w3atieb ashabo beykhartech Rasm men kel el alwan
Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rasam 3al 7et Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rasam 3al 7et 2a3mel eh wayak ya hamada eli 3melto da aswa2 3amal 2a3mel eh wayak ya hamada eli 3melto da aswa2 3amal 3ayez terssem..erssem w lakan men gher ma tshakhbat 3al 7et Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rassam 3al 7et Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rassam 3al 7et
erssem chagra w b7our laken erssem 3al saboura bokra tkoun fanan mashhour 3ayzin na5od gambak soura erssem chagra w b7our laken erssem 3al saboura bokra tkoun fanan mashhour 3ayzin na5od gambak soura be7lam tekbar teb2a Picasso kan yom tefl w kan meen nefsso lakan wala shakhbat 3al 7et Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rasam 3al 7et Shakhbat shakhabit..lakhbat lakhabit mesek el alwan w rasam 3al 7et
erssem we7lam bel mosta2bal weli biye7lam bokra y moun w eli gay fe 3omrak agmal
W bela7lam fee bent zghiri Kel laileh 2able matnam emmah betkhaberha 7ekayeh (sho esmah ?) esma esma... (esma 7ala)7ala..heheh...
Ammoura w 7elwa w katkota Deh 7abebti agmal bannouta Ammoura w 7elwa w katkota Deh 7abebti agmal bannouta bet 7eb babaha w mametha wala mara t5asim sa7betha bet 7eb babaha w mametha wala mara t5asim sa7betha w 3ashnha ghalawetha w re2etha beshar wa7kila el 7adouda (bite7kili el7adouda eeh ennahr dah ?) Kan fi zaman wi zaman yama kan Zayek benti gamila zaman Kan fi zaman wi zaman yama kan Zayek benti gamila zaman Dakrat neg7at le3bat fer7a 3azefet rasemet belalwan Kan 2albaha maliyan e7sas (Kan 2albaha maliyan e7sas) W btetmanni elkhir lennas (W btetmanni elkhir lennas) 3alashaan kedah 7aboha nas W 2aloulna fel7adota
Yalli biyesma3 kelmet ahlo sho men elo? shater shater.. yali bye23od 3a2eel wa7do sho men elo? shater shater.. Yalli biyesma3 kelmet ahlo sho men elo? shater shater.. yali bye23od 3a2eel wa7do sho men elo? shater shater.. Yalli biyenja7 be madressto w ma 3azzeb m3almeto men 7ebo w men dal n2elo shater shater.. Yalli biyenja7 be madressto w ma 3azzeb m3almeto men 7ebo w men dal n2elo shater shater.. Yalli biyesma3 kelmet ahlo sho men elo? shater shater.. yali bye23od 3a2eel wa7do sho men elo? shater shater..
3id milad el leyla meen? 3id milad el nounouna 7an fara7 set el 7elween w nshilha fe 3youna
3id milad el leyla meen? 3id milad el nounouna 7an fara7 set el 7elween w nshilha fe 3youna
7an 7ayiha..(he) w nteer biha w n5aliha tghani ma3ana netmanalha..(he) kol amalha tet7a2a2 w t3ish far7ana
3id milad el leyla meen? 3id milad el nounouna 7an fara7 set el 7elween w nshilha fe 3youna
English translation:
Nancy talking: Once upon a time The sun was smiling and the moon wasn't sleeping There were multicoloured houses And there were very beautiful children and songs Boy: Where? Nancy:There...in the dreams Girl: Where are the dreams? Nancy: The dreams are inside here In the dreams there was a little boy, who keeps annoying his mother and neightbours he likes to doodle on every wall boy: what's his name? Nancy: His name is....... boy: Hamada! Nancy: Hamada.....bravo!
Nancy Ajram - Shakhbat Shakhabit (Audio) نانسي ... Subscribe here and never miss a video http://bit.ly/1g0htMX New album available click here : http ...