The black star guides us north, illuminated path Everything crumbling, decaying and burning Opening of the gate, breathing black breath into the lungs of the earth Ordered chaos, purifying torch…
The final harvest, the ultimate cleansing The destruction of the withering flower, the rejuvination of the soil Uncreation, banishment of the white light, lies becoming truths
Saturn moving into sight, the possession takes control, flesh of the Scorching One, silouttes of Stellar light The dawn of endless nights, channelling His emissions, Nine flaming blades to pierce your flesh, your ruin and end
Mercurary blackening out the sun, Nidhögg rising Night falls over your eyes when my blade sinks into your flesh, the blood..your release from your human prision
Surtr, the flaming sword, the black guiding light, cuts the tree of life Serverts of the Shadow stand erect, stars fall to earth, earth sinking into the seas The end of this wretched world!
Servernts of the Black Wisdom! The hidden Knowledge, blood bestowed! Servents of the Shadow! Chosen by Sacred Blood! Heil! Heil! Heil!