I got temptation licked Satan is my bitch The Royal Prince of darkness Can go kiss this crucifix Since Jesus saved my soul Satan is my hoe I gave Old Nick the finger And I told him where to go 'Cuz with his horns and his pointy-little pitchfork He thinks he's so damn slick But I won't be suckered by his smooth talk And I won't be fooled by his stupid tricks Satan, you can kiss my Christian ass you jumped-up imp.
According to The Word His lust for power's burned Since God kicked him outta heaven For being a whingeing little turd Now when judgment comes to pass God'll kick his ass He'll writhe in pain and torment While the righteous point and laugh
'Cuz with his horns and his pointy-little pitchfork He thinks he's so damn slick But I won't be suckered by his smooth talk And I won't be fooled by his stupid tricks Satan is my bitch