Kali (Spoken): Tell me Dean. (Sings) What kind of God? Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: What kind of God? Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: What God allows a child of thirteen to sleep on the streets. Backing Singers: Out on the street. Kali: So that when I use a cash machine he's right there by my feet. Backing Singers: Right by her feet. Kali: It's so awkward when I have to pretend I'm skint and that. Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: What kind of God? Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: What kind of God allows that hard see-through plastic packaging on, for instance, printer cartridges and children's toys? Backing Singers: Amen. Kali: That means you have to get out the scissors but when you cut it, you end up cutting yourself on the sharp edges. Backing Singers: Hallelujah. Kali: What kind of God?
(God (played by Christopher Biggins) appears.)
God: This kind of God. Kali: Oh God, it's God. Backing Singers: That kind of God. Kali: Okay man, what's with all the call centres? God: They provide a service. Kali: Even those ones based abroad? God: It's true, the Indian ones are abhorred. Kali (Spoken): I'm not being racist but it makes no sense having a rail enquiry line that isn't based locally. Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: What kind of God? Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: Junk mail in newspapers. God: Come on be fair. Kali: Motorcyclists outweaving traffic. God: Yes you've got a point there. Kali: People who bring toddlers to weddings. God: I shall smite them. Kali: Wasps. God: Oh why did I cre-ate them? Kali: People who read over your shoulder. God: Ex-smokers' advice. Kali: Overly chirpy Australian bar staff. Kali and God: And Katie Price. Backing Singers: What kind of God? Kali: It is not my kind of God...yeah!