In that Day the Kingdom of Heaven will be like 10 virgins. In that Day! In that Day! All of them waiting for the bride groom. All of them have lamps, and waiting., waiting, waiting.. In the mundane, mundane, mundane... waiting, waiting, waiting. And when the night falls, they fall asleep. Each and everyone of them, they fall asleep. In the mundane, mundane, mundane, Waiting, waiting, waiting... Waiting for the Bridegroom... In the mundane... they fall alseep. Then in the midnight hour a cry will be heard. In the deepest darknest our of History. In that midnight hour... Behold a deep, deep darkness will cover the Earth. In the midnight hour of history. It will be the darkest hour of history. Deep, deep darkness will cover the Earth. Like a dark, darkness that could even be heard. And the deep, deep darkness will cover the Earth. But in the midnight hour a cry will be heard. A cry! A cry! A cry! Behold the Bridegroom! Go out to meet Him! Behold the Bridegroom! Go out to meet Him! Behold the Bridegroom! Go out to meet Him! Wake O wake, O sleepers! O wake, O wake, the hour is at hand and behold! In the middle of the night the cry will be heard! O, and the the 10 virgins will awake from their slumbers. They will be scurring around doing minnistries! They will be struggling with their lamps! Its the day they have been waiting for. They will be scurrying around and finally, finally! Finally, finally! In that Day the Lord says the Kingdom will be just like this. In that Day! In that Day! In that Day! Five will be wise, and five will be foolish. Wisdom and folly defined by the Master. Wisdom and folly difined. For the foolish so busy shining their lamps forgot to get the oil. And the clock now,now, now is ticking, and its the middle of the night and the cry has been resounded. And the scurrying around, round, round. And the foolish are trying so hard to get their lamps lit. But they had no oil! They are trying to get preoccupied. So preoccupied! They've been builidng their ministry, planning, and scheming, and all of the things, but they forgot to get oil for their lamps. They forgot that oil comes from the inside out. They forgot it! LIke empty tombs they forgot it. Now the five that were wise, they had oil. Even though they slept their hearts were awake. They didn't get weighed down by the mundane or distracted by the lamps. They had the first thing first, the first thing first, first things first. They had the oil from the inside out. Then the five who were foolish will say to the five that were wise, o help us, help us, and will ask the five who were wise for oil. But it doesn' work that way. It can't work that way. And the five that were wise will say...The wise will say to the foolish... go buy oil for yourself. You have to take the time to know Him for yourself. You have to go buy oil. Go buy oil for yourself. I can not give You mine. I can not give it to You. You have to go buy oil for yourslef. Only what is real will burn inside. The five who are wise will go to meet the Bridegroom in the feast for the wedding. The five who were foolish will cry. So I tell you now while there is still time. Go buy oil, before its too late. You are alive, but you are dead on the inside. I warn you now. Buy gold refinded in the fire. You have a lamp that you are alive, but you are dead on the inside. There is still some time, but only a little bit of time. What are you going to do with that time, with that time, with that time? The Bridegroom is coming, He is coming, He is coming... will you even recognize Him? I say buy oil! Take the time to live from the inside out. Take the time to be aquainted with the Holy Spirit and the Word. Take the time to buy oil before its too late. Wisdom will be justified, wisdom will be justified in that day, in that day...