Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at. Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat, 'cause everything else is obsolete. Now a square with a horn, can make you wish you weren't born, ever'time he plays; and with a square in the act, he can set music back to the caveman days. I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing, but a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing. Who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that? When everybody wants to be a cat. A square with that horn, makes you wish you weren't born, ever'time he plays; and with a square in the act, he's gonna set this music back to the Stone Age days. Everybody wants to be a cat, because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at; while playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat, 'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat. Everybody digs a swingin' cat.
The Aristocrats - Phil Harris, Scatman Crothers, Thurl Ravenscroft, Liz English - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat (0)
Jazz From - Everybody wants to be a cat (0)
Julian Neel(cover the Disney song) - Everybody wants to be a cat (0)
Michelle Nicastro - Everybody wants to be a cat (0)
Classic Disney: The Aristocats - Everybody Wants to Be a Cat (0)
Defunk - Everybody Wants to Be a Cat (0)
Psapp - Everybody wants to be a cat (c 2:18 начинается кал) (0)
Psapp - Everybody wants to be a cat (3 группа Дима) (0)
Scatman Crothers, Phil Harris, Liz English, Thurl Ravenscroft, Lord Tim Hudson, Paul Winchell, Vito Scotti, Robie Lester - Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat ("The Aristocats" OST) (0)
Коты-Аристократы - Everybody wants to be a cat (0)
Phil Harris, Scatman Crothers, Liz English, Thurl Ravenscroft, Lord Tim Hudson, Paul Winchell, Vito Scotti, Robie Lester - Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat (Коты-аристократы) (0)
evrybody wants to be a cat - минус (0)
Psapp - Everybody wants to be a cat (Каждый хочет быть котом) (0)
George Bruns - Everybody WantsTo Be A Cat (0)
Unknown - Everybody wants to be a cat (0)
Phil Harris, Scatman Crothers, Liz English, Thurl Ravenscroft, Lord Tim Hudson, Paul Winchell, Vito Scotti, Robie Lester - Everybody wants to be a Cat (0)
Michelle Nicastro - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat ... Amazing version of the song from Aristocrats - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat by Michelle ...
Everybody Wants to be a Cat "Ev'rybody Wants to be a Cat (Bonus Track)" by Brian Setzer (AmazonMP3) ... Michelle ...
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat Kokosingers Spring Concert 2013 "Everybody Wants To Be A Cat" Music by Floyd ...
Aristocats "Everybody Wants to be a Cat" The ... "Alleluja Tutti Jazzisti" is an italian version of the Aristocats "Everybody Wants to be a ...
Digital Farm Animals - Everybody Wants to be a Cat ... Digital Farm Animals - Everybody Wants to be a Cat. entityraiding. Subscribe ...