Listen my son, let me tell you this, I should ask you to be a good boy, I should ask you to be helpful, To be full of love, my boy;
Listen my son, let me tell you this, I should ask you to be a good boy, I should ask you to be pitiful, but you'll have to forget that my boy;
Friendship's a weakness, Love is your worst, worst enemy, Kill if necessary, Become wicked and mean;
Power and money's the aim, my son, Power and money's the aim;
Betrayal's a virtue, Honesty's no more trend, Don't mind to rule out your friends, What's bad for them is good for you;
Power and money's the aim, my son, Power and money's the aim;
Learn to lie, don't mind to trick someone - This is how things do work today. Forget your feelings, forget your humanity - This is how THEY make the world turn.
Learn to lie, don't mind to trick someone - This is how things do work today. Forget your feelings, forget your humanity - This is how THEY make the world turn.