It's like..Don't You Lie In Your Bed Sometimes.. And You Get This Feeling That Something Is Missing And You Simply Feel Like Hiding From Every Single Moment Out There And Every Single Problem! And You Just Want To Be Alone..And You Ask Yourself - Where To Go? And What To Do?
You Start Living In Memories! Every Single Night - The Same Thoughts About The Same Person And You Can't Focus On Anything Else, But Her!
You Are Not Able To Touch Her, You Screwed Everything Up With Your Insanity. What Else Is There To Do, Then Expressing Your Feelings That You Haven't Showed For Such A Long Time. If This Is Love..Then I'm deadly In Love..I Guess
(Beat Starts)
So I's one Love and it's a belief..that it's one heart. And she was right! I mean-you miss your second half and there's something..and the something is in your heart and you know that no matter what action comes from your side, apart from showing a person that you love..nothing else will actually change -anything!
You hold your pen I'm not ment to Rhyme. I'm just letting my flow go with the music. There's nothing more to mention..just that If you believe you won't won't leave. You won't quit's as simple as that..