Blossom wildly, O flowers, release all of your emotion Reach out and take what lies far ahead, never turning back Arise now, here and with yourselves paint that one and only place Softly, lightly, falling through the air, O brilliant flowers
過ぎ去った日々なら 今はいらない (Now I do not want) 蕾のままいても 独りきりには ならない
I don’t need these days long past any longer (Now I do not want) Even if I remain a bud, at least I won’t be alone
周りの華を 見渡していては 羨む それだけ 自分の華を 咲かせるのよその心で
Looking upon the flowers all around me I feel envy, but no more My own flower, I’ll make blossom with my heart
咲き誇れその華よ 負けないで辛い雨にも きっと 先も その場所は かけがえのない場所に
Blossom wildly, O flowers, don’t lose to the harsh rains Surely one day, there, in that place never rewritten…
夢を見る華達は 色褪せず咲き続けてる ふわり ひらり 舞い落ちた 色鮮やかな華を
Dreaming flowers continue to blossom, never fading Softly, lightly, falling through the air, such brilliant flowers
咲き乱れこの華よ 解き放て想いすべてを 遥か 先を 握り取れ 振り向くことさえなく
Blossom wildly, O flowers, release all of your emotion Reach out and take what lies far ahead, never turning back