M - Yes, Cindy. Safety, specifically traveler’s safety and health issues.
C - But we usually talk about fun stuff, why did you choose such a DOWNER of a topic?
M - Because this may be an important concern for our listeners visiting America. They may need some POINTERS on how to express their needs.
C - You’re right. Summer is a very popular vacation time for tourists. So where do we begin?
M - Let’s start with nine one one.
C - Good idea. 9-1-1. Everybody write it down if you must because this is a very important number to remember. If you have an emergency while in America you can dial the numbers 9-1-1 for assistance. Tell the operator your location – your address- and what the problem is and they will send the appropriate assistance, i.e.: an ambulance, the police or fire truck.
M - And can you give our listeners some examples of what would constitute a 911 emergency?
C - Sure. And let me say I hope there is no need for anyone to ever call 911. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy stay in America. Some examples of a 911 emergency would be a serious health issue- like a heart attack or SEIZURE, an automobile accident -with injuries, or a fire just to name a few.
M - So remember the phone number 911 and write it down somewhere to help you remember.
C - What else?
C - Prescription medications are medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor. You can easily buy general pain medicines and stomach and cold remedies in America ‘’OVER THE COUNTER’’. That is to say you do not need a doctor’s prescription. But if you’re on more serious medication for example for high blood pressure, diabetes , cholesterol or heart medication that requires a doctor’s prescription and cannot be purchased without one.
M - For travelers to the US, be sure to keep all your prescription medications in the original bottles.
C - Yes, because if you need to refill your medicine while in the US, then the doctor can easily see what you need and refill accordingly.
M - And what about accidents?
C - Accidents do happen, no matter how well prepared you are. It happened to my aunt last year in Rome, on her very first day of a 10 day European tour she slipped and fell down a small staircase.
M - Oh no! Did she break a bone?
C - No, thankfully nothing was broken, but she did sprain her ankle. A SPRAIN happens when a joint is suddenly stressed or twisted beyond its normal range of motion. It’s very painful, and may take a while to heal, but nothing is broken.
M - And if someone were to break something while on vacation, what should they do?
C - Oh, hope that doesn’t happen! But if it does, go to a doctor or hospital right away. If the break is serious, then call 911 and ask for an ambulance to drive you to the hospital.
M - And hope to be visited by George Clooney when you get to the E.R. !!
C - You may have a longer wait than usual, I've been told his queue is quite long!
M - well, if George is busy I will settle for Dr House !! Let me add one thing about it: whenever I go to the States I buy a traveler's health insurance.
C - That's a good idea, because health care is very expensive in the States.
M - It's better to check on line or with your insurance company for a traveler's health policy right for you. Ok, let’s talk about something more common like...
C - ….stomach AILMENTS.
M - I think all of us have had this problem at least once in our lives while on vacation.
C - Unfortunately yes, traveler’s DIARRHEA is common no matter where you go in the world. It’s generally safe to eat and drink anywhere in the US, but you may try new foods that just don’t agree with you. If you find yourself with an UPSET STOMACH, and it’s happened to me many times, just go a pharmacy, otherwise known as