Caught in the afterlife, or in limbo... Who can tell Save me from the everlasting grief that they call hell Eight internal bleedings; Stigmata - 1 per sin I conmited all of them; My cleansing can begin
'Blood preasure weak... Broken and torn A sinner who was cursed from the day he was born'
Looking at the whitened ceiling through a cloud of blood Drifting in and out of consciousness in memory-flood In my search for the light, I travel back in time For my deadly sins to be uncovered as a holy crime
'Cellular death... The soul has left his eye Nothing to do - nurse, please take him away to die'
What if my mortal remains are all that proved I was here? Lyrics What if I didn't leave a mark in people's sphere? What if my deadly sins were my way to make you see? To make all you non-believers believe in me...