A sensitive time approaches just before dawn That carries them further to nowhere The fields will be gorged upon the sacrifice made Despite all their efforts to take care
There's no talk about anyone Lying out in the rain They're quite certain to carry on Though it's clearly insane
So please don't praise those mindless games With reckless claims Of glory and fame
Talons of steel will seek them out on the day Intent upon venting it's fury Onward they move and with complete disregard Of danger while doing their duty
Still no talk about anyone Lying wounded in pain Hearts stop beating is this the one To carry somebody's name
So please don't praise those mindless games With reckless claims Of glory and fame
Mighty and strong So very young There they will stay So far away
A sensitive time approaches just before dawn That carries them further to nowhere The fields will be gorged upon the sacrifice made Despite all their efforts to take care
Still no talk about anyone Lying wounded in pain Hearts stop beating is this the one To carry somebody's name
So please don't praise those mindless games With reckless claims Of glory and fame
Mighty and strong So very young There they will stay So far away